FAB Review — Week #3

2 min readFeb 28, 2022


Come and hear gist! Photo Credit: Trusty Google.

I am excited.

February has ended nicely.


  1. A friend of mine’s birthday is tomorrow and I’m sending the latest MacBook. Except, it’s made of flour and butter and eggs and tastes like- you guessed it, cake! 😂😂😂 To be honest, I might be the only one who finds this funny, but oh well. (I’d post pictures later.)
  2. The point of this article; I think I’ve figured out a hack for my blockers and inability to get past the wall of solving problems. We’d see what tomorrow holds for me. Tomorrow is literally the first day of March for this year.
  3. I stumbled upon this article about this amazing program championed by a Queen! And it helped boost my morale.

The most part of this week has been me renewing my faith and telling myself “I am worthy of the good that comes my way, I am smart and I can do whatever I put my mind to”. Reading my Bible and taking pointers from people’s stories in the book + other sources of morale boost have been helpful.

4. I solved two questions this week.

5. I’m forcing myself to learn to whiteboard/write code without IDE so I solved my problems on the CLI (command-line interface)or just plain notepad. It was humbling and also informative. I could look out for and figure out my errors more intuitively.

In conclusion, I feel a lot closer to figuring out the process of actually solving problems in a more efficient way.

Things I’m trying out:

  1. Reading code in another programming language and converting it to python. Java is the language I have a file from GitHub on for now. It’d be my first test project.
  2. Sleeping on time (10, 11pm-ish)so I can wake up early enough to tackle a new interview example.

Finally, God is Good 😁😁😁💕.

ps: Pray for me so the MacBook cake thingy doesn't backfire. I want it to cause a good laugh, lol. Bye now!

